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Welcome to Techdox Docs

Welcome to the official documentation hub for Techdox, your go-to resource for all things related to self-hosting, Docker, and tech tutorials as featured on the Techdox YouTube channel. Our documentation aims to be a practical companion to the video content, offering detailed guides, configuration files, and more.

What You'll Find Here

  • In-Depth Tutorials: Comprehensive guides that complement our YouTube tutorials, providing step-by-step instructions and additional insights.

  • Docker and Self-Hosting Guides: Detailed documentation on Docker setups, self-hosting strategies, and best practices for maintaining your own services and applications.

  • Compose File Library: A collection of Docker Compose files used in our videos, ready for you to use and customize for your own projects.

  • Tech Tips and Tricks: Additional resources and tips to enhance your understanding and skills in the world of technology and software.

Wazuh Overview and Deployment

Wazuh Overview and Deployment

Wazuh Tutorial

An in-depth look at Wazuh, covering its features and how to deploy it for your self-hosted network.

Traefik Made Easy

Traefik Made Easy

Traefik Tutorial

Learn how to easily set up and manage Traefik for your self-hosted services.

Connect with Techdox

Stay engaged with our content:

  • Discord: Join the Discord, meet follow self-hosters
  • YouTube Channel: Subscribe to our channel for regular tech tutorials and walkthroughs.
  • Feedback and Contributions: Your input is valuable to us. Feel free to reach out with suggestions, feedback, or contributions.

Thank you for visiting Techdox Docs. Dive into our documentation and enhance your tech journey!

Techdox Docs - Enhancing your self-hosting and Docker experiences through practical documentation.